Love bees, nature and healthy living? My partner and I have started to move away from Olive Oils using the local British rapeseed oil for a variety of reasons. Here are 9 good reasons to use Rapeseed Oil over any other oil and where to get the best Rapeseed Oil in Britain helping our bees at the same time!
To be clear we are talking Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, sometimes labelled premium, virgin or extra-virgin which has many health benefits over other traditionally used oils.
1. The oil is celebrated for its health benefits as it has less unhealthy saturated fat than ALL other cooking oils and fats.
2. It is also high in mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats omega 3, 6 and 9. That’s good for brains and may help you fight against cardiovascular disease.
3. It’s a rich source of vitamin E.
4. Cooking benefits – rapeseed oil can be used at high temperatures so no burning & smoking!
5. It’s great used cold as well, for salad dressings, sauces and marinades.
6. Great flavour that lets the others shine through! Rapeseed Oil has a very light and delicate flavour so you get the best from the flavours of other ingredients in your dishes
7. Baking – rapeseed oil is a great substitute for butter (we haven’t tried this yet but heard its can!
8. Great to cook with, on salads etc.
9. Its made in Britain so it’s supporting local sustainable businesses
10. Ok maxed out and can’t find another reason but here are some fantastic farmers who are supporting bee-friendly practices by not using neonicotinoid seed treatments on their land. Please try to support them as they try to keep a natural balance in farm ecosystems: visit http://www.rapeseedoilguide.com/